Neon Sandbox tracks the usual item information, grouping them a number of different ways.

This easy to use spreadsheet organizes possessions by room, with columns like your usual Excel spreadsheet pre-formatted for description, estimated value, serial/model numbers, condition, and more, as well as a field to enter the file name of a photo for each item. Not a fan of mobile apps? This software, compatible with Windows and Mac, offers desktop and laptop-friendly options for use with your home computer. Sort your possessions by 15 categories, viewing by sunburst chart or taking advantage of the advanced search feature for inventoried items. Enter model/serial to pull parts and accessory info, recalls, and most importantly, check the value of assets as compared to insurance coverage. Select a room, taking pictures of common inventory items and syncing with the online app to avoid worrying about offsite backups.

Store data free on the secure server (password protected), creating a backup and printing reports free via the online app. Offered by the Insurance Information Institute, III Inventory also goes by the name “Know Your Stuff” in the online app.
Home inventory program pdf#
Export data easily via PDF and HTML (viewing/emailing) or CSV (Excel). This app, which also gives insurance rate quotes, scan items quickly, syncing with the Belongings online app for automatic backup.